I am ready for some "me" time pampering. After I am done, I am picking up my Grandmother to go shopping. We are going out to look at stuff for the new nursery, and other random pieces for the house. We found this at pier one and really think it would be a great addition to our living room. I need more storage!!
For the nursery... I am having a hard time finding something online that I really like in bedding. I feel like it all looks the same, and I have not been drawn to something yet. I am finding more boy stuff I like, (imagine that!) so we are going to go to a fabric store and pick up some swatches. We are debating on just getting it custom made with the fabric that I like together. I also need some window treatments for Landon's room. I want to get some blackout curtains so that he can really sleep for his naps and such. I am excited to start transforming his room into a toddler room and out of his nursery stage. I have some fun ideas in mind for his room. We just have to piece it all together!
Well I am off to get ready for the fun day! Only two more days to get ready for our family coming in town.. That means tomorrow is cleaning ALL day!!